The 'home' page - 'Welcome visitors'

Every wiki site has a 'home' page that plays a particular role.

Every site has an identifying 'flag': a coloured square that appears to the left of the title on every page. A click on the flag will open the Welcome Visitors page of that wiki, to the left of the page you clicked in. `Try it now?`

> To restore the display of pages as it was before you clicked, see The wiki lineup of pages.

A well-written Welcome Visitors page will contain: - A brief description of the wiki site (perhaps lifted from the reference of the first 'content' page of the wiki) - A link to information about the author of the wiki - perhaps labelled `About us` - A link to the first 'content' page - perhaps labelled `What we do and share here`

It may also contain: - Links to other related sites - perhaps labelled `What we do and share elsewhere` - A link to help pages for folks not accustomed to the way wiki works: for example `Reading (navigating) in wiki`. - A 'roster' that enables you to expand the current search neighborhood with access to related sites in the wikiverse. `Like this one:`