The wiki lineup of pages

Here we describe the wiki lineup.

A wiki page is tall and narrow, so pages can be viewed side by side. It's a way to flatten a hierarchy of nested pages. It's also a way to juxtapose pages from more than one wiki site. These are powerful options. > This doesn't work well on a phone. Use a laptop or desktop for maximum capability. At worst, use the phone in landscape position, not portrait.

When a link (to a federated wiki page) is clicked, the new page is opened to the right of the starting page. Thus pages can be cascaded arcoss the current tab, simultaneously readable, side by side. This display is 'the lineup'.

> A link that goes outside the federation is opened in a new tab. Only federation pages appear in the lineup.

Repeatedly clicking links in a page will repeatedly overwrite the displayed page-on-the-right. If you want to **add** the new page to the right-hand end of the lineup, without any overwriting, **\<Shift-click>** instead.

# Getting lost in the lineup As pages are added to the lineup within your browser tab, it's possible to lose track of earlier pages. Here are tips to keep the focus you prefer. See also: Navigating left and right in the lineup Manipulating the lineup Search in the neighborhood

Whenever a new page has been added to the lineup, the previous lineup can be restored as it was, by clicking the browser's **\<Back>** button - or use your device's \<Back> gesture or keyboard shortcut. This is the same as how it happens in a normal browser tab! `Try it now?`

If the browser tab fills up, so that earlier pages scroll off the left of the screen, the browser **\<Zoom>** control can be used to shrink the display so all pages are viewable.

# Ghost pages The link you click might not immediately come up as a page. Instead you may get a grey 'ghost' page that says something like this.

A ghost page

This is because the page lies outside the present site, but inside 'the neighborhood'. Just click on any page reference at the bottom of the ghost page, showing a square, coloured flag.

> For 'neighborhood' try the search box in the bottom menu bar of the present browser tab. For 'flag' see The wiki page